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Curriculum Vitae

For a complete c.v. in PDF format, click on the icon below.

For details of my publications and current projects, see the relevant sections of this site.


Columbia University, Ph.D., Joint Doctoral Subcommittee for Classical Studies, 1992-2001


City University of New York, post-baccalaureate studies in Latin and Greek, 1988-1991


Dartmouth College, B.A., History and Classical Studies, 1984-1988

Academic Positions

Dartmouth College, William R. Kenan Professor of Ancient Greek History, 2016-present

Cambridge University, Clare Hall, Life Fellow, 2017-present


Dartmouth College, Professor, 2012-2016


Dartmouth College, Associate Professor, 2007-2012


Dartmouth College, Assistant Professor, 2001-2007

Awards, Honors, Fellowships

Leventis Foundation Fellowship, 2018-2019


Loeb Foundation Fellowship, 2018-2019 (declined)


New Directions in Humanities Scholarship and Arts Practice Grant, Dartmouth College, 2018-2020


Visiting Fellow, Clare Hall, Cambridge University, 2016-2017


Senior Faculty Fellowship, Dartmouth College, 2016-2017


Supervising professor of the 21st International Seminar on Olympic Studies for Postgraduate Students at the International Olympic Academy, Olympia, Greece, Fall, 2014


Supervising professor of the 20th International Seminar on Olympic Studies for Postgraduate Students at the International Olympic Academy, Olympia, Greece, Fall, 2013


Lynette S. Autrey Visiting Faculty Fellow, Humanities Research Center, Rice University, Winter-Spring 2010


Linda and Paul Gridley Faculty Fellow, Dartmouth College, 2008-2009


Russell Ladd Newcomb Fellowship, Dartmouth College, 2007-2008


John M. Manley Huntington Memorial Award for Newly Tenured Faculty, Dartmouth College, May, 2007


Council for Advancement and Support of Education and Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching New Hampshire Professor of the Year, 2006


Margo Tytus Visiting Scholar, University of Cincinnati, Summer, 2005


Class of 1962 Fellowship, Dartmouth College, Winter-Spring, 2005

Current and Recent Service to the Profession

Member, Managing Committee and Committee on Committees at the American School of Classical

Studies in Athens


Member, Committee of Committees at the American School of Classical Studies in Athens


Member, Editorial Board of Nikephoros (Zeitschrift für Sport und Kultur im Altertum)


I regularly evaluate scholarly articles and manuscripts for journals and presses. Some of the journals and presses I have worked with recently are: Ancient History Bulletin, European Journal for Sport and Society, Hesperia, Historia, Illinois Classical Studies, International Journal of the History of Sport, Journal of Ancient History, Law and History Review, Phoenix, Bloomsbury Press, Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press, Routledge, University of California Press, and Wiley-Blackwell. I also review project proposals for foundations and governmental agencies such as the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada and the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study.

Chair, Department of Classics, Dartmouth College, 2015-2016 and 2017-18


I regularly serve on hiring committees for faculty and staff positions at Dartmouth College.


Co-organizer (with Paul Cartledge) of a conference, “Diversity and Uniformity in the Archaic Greek World,” held at Dartmouth College in May, 2018


Principal Investigator of ongoing longitudinal study, “Long-term Effects of Humanities Teaching on Undergraduate Students’ Conceptions of Culture and Identity,” as part of the Gateway Initiative at Dartmouth College

Select List of Recent Presentations

“Mind over Body: Sports as Education in Ancient Greece,” delivered 9/13/19 as a keynote address at the

Congress of the European Committee for Sports History, Lausanne, Switzerland

“Ancient Greece without Athens: How to Decenter the Study of the Greek World in One (Seemingly) Easy Step,” delivered 7/10/19 as invited lecture at Clare Hall, Cambridge University


“What’s New in Ancient Sparta: Some Archaeological and Epigraphic Reflections on the Spartan Way of Death,” co-delivered with Paul Cartledge, delivered 2/12/2019 as the Annual Lecture at the Centre for Spartan and Peloponnesian Studies at the University of Nottingham


“Spartans Living the Good Life? Luxury, Leisure, and Austerity in Ancient Sparta,” delivered 1/23/2019

as an invited research seminar at the University of Reading


Fordyce Mitchel Lecture Series at the University of Missouri, Columbia, delivered 8-11/10/2018

-“Spartans Getting Naked: Ancient Sparta and the Origins of Greek Athletic Nudity”

-“How Athletic Nudity Made Ancient Greece: Sports, Nudity, and Identity”

-“How Athletic Nudity Made Democracy: Sports, Nudity, and Politics”

-“How Athletic Nudity Made Greek Aesthetics: Sports, Nudity, and Embodiment in Ancient



“Athletics and Glocalization, Ancient and Modern,” delivered 9/20/2018 at the conference “Athletics and Identity in Ancient and Modern Cultures,” at the University of St. Andrews


“The Typology and Topography of Spartan Burials from the Protogeometric through Hellenistic Periods: Re-thinking Spartan Exceptionalism and the Ostensible Cessation of Adult Intramural Burials in the Greek World,” delivered 01/05/18 at the annual meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America


“How the Olympics Made Ancient Greece: The Role of Sports in Constituting Ethnic Identity in the Ancient Greek World,” delivered 11/30/17 as an invited lecture at the University of Rochester, Rochester, New York


“Herodotos 9.85 and Spartiate Burial Customs,” delivered 7/21/17 at the International Sparta Seminar at the Celtic Conference in Classics at McGill University, Montreal, Canada


“Powerful Prisoners: The Paradoxical Statuses of Spartiate Women,” delivered 6/22/17 as an invited keynote address at the conference “Gender and Identities in Peloponnesian Antiquity,” at the University of Nottingham’s Centre for Spartan & Peloponnesian Studies


“Spartan Burial Customs,” delivered 2/20/17 as an invited seminar at the Faculty of Classics, Cambridge University


“‘Big History:’ The Promise, Perils and Processes of Constructing Grand Historical Narratives,” delivered 1/24/17 as invited talk at Clare Hall, Cambridge University


“Sport, Religion, and Glocalization in Ancient Greece," delivered 11/24/16 as an invited keynote address at the conference “Sport, Spectacle, and Religion in Antiquity” at Universidad Carlos III, Madrid, Spain


“A New Reading of the Damonon Stele,” delivered 11/15/16 as an invited lecture at the University of Nottingham’s Centre for Spartan & Peloponnesian Studies


“Athletics and Glocalization, Ancient and Modern,” delivered 7/8/16 as an invited lecture at the 5th annual symposium organized by Harvard’s Center for Hellenic Studies at the International Olympic Academy, Olympia, Greece


“Leisure as a Consumption Good in Archaic and Classical Sparta,” delivered 4/15/16 as an invited lecture at the conference “Luxury and Wealth in the Archaic to Hellenistic Peloponnese” at the University of Nottingham’s Centre for Spartan & Peloponnesian Studies


“Pulling the Pieces Together: Social Capital and the Olympics, Ancient and Modern,” delivered on 1/9/16 at the annual meeting of the Society for Classical Studies


“Olympism as a Peace Movement, Ancient and Modern,” delivered 7/6/15 as an invited lecture at 4th annual symposium organized by Harvard’s Center for Hellenic Studies at the International Olympic Academy, Olympia, Greece


Lecture series on sport and democratization delivered 9/2-9/14 as supervising professor of the 20th International Seminar on Olympic Studies for Postgraduate Students at the International Olympic Academy, Olympia, Greece


“Conspicuous In(equality): Athletic Nudity as Political Ritual,” delivered 6/28/14 as the closing paper at the conference “Sport in der Antike” at Karl-Franzens-Universität in Graz, Austria


“Reconstructing Rhythm: Digital Modeling and Rendering as Tools for Evaluating the Play of Light and Shadow on the Parthenon,” delivered 6/20/14 in conjunction with Aurora McClain at the annual meeting of the European Architectural History Network in Turin, Italy


“The Unstarted Journey: Foucault and His Impact on Writing the History of Ancient Greece,” delivered 3/27/14 at the conference “Foucault 2014: Beyond Sexuality” at Hofstra University

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